First aid

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Das „Erste-Hilfe-Set Kinder daheim orange“ der W. Söhngen GmbH ist ein unverzichtbarer Haushaltsgegenstand. Es verfügt über einen leuchtend orangefarbenen Beutel, der mit verspielten Strichmännchenzeichnungen eines Kindes und Erwachsenen verziert ist und auf dem der Spruch „ERSTE HILFE Kinder daheim“ aufgedruckt ist Front.

First aid set children at home orange

SKU: SOE-0350001O

€36,97 €45,47

VAT included. zzgl. Versand Net

Regular price €36,97 EUR
Sales price €46,41 EUR
Die Holthaus Medical Pet Care Verbandtasche von Holthaus Medical GmbH & Co. KG ist marineblau mit rotem Rand, verziert mit einem weißen Kreuz und Katzen-/Hundesymbolen. Sie verfügt über einen Doppelreißverschluss für einfachen Zugriff und beinhaltet bedarfsgerechten Inhalt.
Die Holthaus Medical Pet Care Verbandtasche von Holthaus Medical GmbH & Co. KG ist ein rotes Erste-Hilfe-Set mit Verbandsmaterial, antiseptischen Tüchern und anderen medizinischen Hilfsmitteln in separaten Fächern. Auf der linken Seite ist ein Heft mit einem Hundegesicht für die Notfallversorgung Ihres Haustiers zu sehen.

HOLTHAUS Medical Pet Care Wage pocket with needs -based filling | Pack (1 piece)

SKU: HHM-61160

€13,34 €16,41

VAT included. zzgl. Versand Net

Regular price €13,34 EUR
Sales price €27,32 EUR
Eine rote Holthaus Medical Verbandtasche für den Kindergarten von Holthaus Medical GmbH & Co. KG ist geöffnet und zeigt eine Auswahl an Erste-Hilfe-Artikeln, darunter Bandagen, Verbände, ein Erste-Hilfe-Heft und eine kleine Flasche. Die Tasche hat eine schwarze Klappe und Seitentaschen aus Netzgewebe. Sie eignet sich ideal als Erste-Hilfe-Tasche in Umgebungen wie Kindergärten.

HOLTHAUS Medical Association bag for kindergarten | Pack (1 piece)

SKU: HHM-68050

€43,68 €53,73

VAT included. zzgl. Versand Net

Regular price €43,68 EUR
Sales price €58,15 EUR
Die Holthaus Medical Mini-Verbandtasche Auto, hergestellt von Holthaus Medical GmbH & Co. KG, ist eine blaue Erste-Hilfe-Tasche, die den DIN-Normen 13164 entspricht. Sie ist rechteckig und mit einem Reißverschluss versehen und verfügt über Beschriftungen in Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch und Spanisch. Die sichtbare Beschriftung umfasst „Mini Auto-Verbandtasche“ und „Erste-Hilfe-Tasche“ und ist somit ideal für alle Auto-Notfälle.

HOLTHAUS Medical Mini Association Pocket Auto | Pack (1 bag)

SKU: HHM-62378

€6,83 €8,40

VAT included. zzgl. Versand Net

Regular price €6,83 EUR
Sales price €9,09 EUR
Ein Ausstellungsstand präsentiert mehrere Kartons des Holthaus Medical Austauschset für Auto-Verbandkästen | Packung (1 Stück) von Holthaus Medical GmbH & Co. KG. Das obere Schild fordert Kunden mit einem blauen Sirenenbild und deutschem Text dazu auf, ihre Erste-Hilfe-Ausrüstung zu überprüfen. Der Stand verfügt über eine weiße Basis mit blauen Akzenten und zusätzlichem deutschen Text.

Holthaus Medical exchange set for auto association boxes | Pack (1 piece)

SKU: HHM-60165

€5,11 €6,29

VAT included. zzgl. Versand Net

Regular price €5,11 EUR
Sales price €6,80 EUR
Ein weißer Verbandschrank aus Metall, der *Holthaus Medical Verbandschrank MEDICUS*, zeigt bei geöffneter Tür verschiedene medizinische Artikel, die ordentlich auf zwei Regalen angeordnet sind. Zu den Artikeln gehören Heftpflaster, Mullkompressen, antiseptische Tücher, Scheren, ein Erste-Hilfe-Handbuch und ein abschließbares Medikamentenfach.

HOLTHAUS Medical Association Cupboard Medicus, Unpassed | Pack (1 piece)

SKU: HHM-66090

€57,91 €71,23

VAT included. zzgl. Versand Net

Regular price €57,91 EUR
Sales price €154,22 EUR

The right first -aid kit: we have the right ones for all situations

Possession of an association box is important in every household, car or operation. In emergencies, it is important to act quickly and the right bandage box can offer optimal help in an emergency. Not all bandages are the same. Depending on the need and application purpose, the first -aid boxes can differ. There is the classic first-aid kit that should not be missing in any household or special first aid sets for children, which are tailored to the needs of children. Different bandages have different advantages for the respective requirements and needs. At Altruan you will find the right set in yourself.

What does a first -aid kit include?

Association boxes contain everything they need in the event of an emergency. Be it minor injuries such as cutting or grusting wounds or gauze bandages and pain relievers for larger wounds, for every situation the right first aid is found.


First aid for on the go:

This bag is particularly practical for everyone who is on the road a lot. Whether on small day trips or on vacation that Holthaus Medical active bandage bag offers everything for a quick supply of injuries or wounds.


A must for parents:

This provides a particularly important part of the first aid equipment First aid set for children. Children can regularly pull smaller grazes while playing. The first aid set for children contains anatoma rights. The utensils are robust, light and supple, which they make more advantageous for use in children.


For large households, distributors and companies:

If you want to equip yourself with first aid utensils or it is about procurement for companies or companies, you should have one Bandage add. This is the extended version of a bandage bag. The association cabinet offers a larger selection of association materials that make sense in the event of a larger sales with several people. The HOLTHAUS Medical company association box is specially suitable for use in sales, since it comes with an integrated wall bracket and thus ensures that the workplace injuries are initiated rapidly in the company. It should be checked and refilled regularly.


Not just recommendation, but a regulation:
Association bags for the car are not only helpful and in some cases life -saving, they are also in any vehicle regulation. The Wiper For the car, everything that can be needed on the way in the event of an emergency. A bandage bag for the car is filled with a legally defined minimum equipment and is tailored to the most common emergencies in road traffic, so that a quick initial supply is possible. In the event that the dress pocket is used for the car, there are special Exchange sets For car association boxes. With the Holthaus Medical Fill range You can fill up or incomplete sets for motor vehicles. So make sure that the content of the legal regulation corresponds.

Fill range for the bandage box:

With the Range For association boxes, you can always ensure that the existing first aid box can be filled and supplemented. The Holthaus Medical Fill range Thanks to its equipment, the optimal equipment for primary care ensures and is therefore a simple solution to keep your first aid box up-to-date and complete.


For all pet owners:

For pet owners, we offer special care sets that are well thought out and filled with needs. In very active animals such as dogs or cats, smaller injuries can occur in everyday life, which are due to a Pet Care Class pocket can be treated quickly. Here, too, it is important to regularly check the bandage pocket for completeness and be given if it is replenished.

The right bandage box: we have it!

Whether at home, in the office or in the car, accidents can happen anywhere. With the right association set, you are always equipped and can react quickly and effectively. Depending on the area of ​​application, you should get the right association set. Participating a first aid association box is particularly mandatory in the car. Check regularly whether your equipment still meets the current standards and exchange them in the event of use or after the best -before date. So you are well prepared in an emergency. More products for Wound care and other topics about health and hygiene can be found on Altruan.

Frequent questions and answers

How often does the bandage box have to be checked?

Why do you need a first -aid kit in the car?

Where should the dressing box be kept for the car?

What is the difference between a normal bandage pocket and one for the car?

How do you recognize whether a bandage bag is no longer complete?