Frau mit Lippenpiercing, die sich mit den Händen ins Gesicht fasst
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The perfect guide for your piercing aftercare: How do I properly care for my piercing?


The perfect guide for your piercing aftercare:

The joy of a new piercing is always great. To make sure that the joy remains, the right care after the jump -off is essential. Piercing primarily represents an injury to the body. The right aftercare is important for quick healing. In this article, a comprehensive guide for the right piercing care is given to support wound healing so that the jewelry looks beautiful in the long term!


Why is aftercare so important in a new piercing?

When piercing a piercing, a needle is stung through the skin tissue. This process counts as stab wound when classifying wound types. This requires special aftercare for piercings to facilitate the healing process.


How long do I have to do for my piercing aftercare?

The duration of aftercare depends on the type of piercing. This can vary as required.


  • Earlobe: 6 - 8 weeks
  • Cartilage: at least 3 months, optimal 6 months
  • Nose piercing: 2 - 4 months
  • Belly button: 6 months
  • Tongue piercing: 4 - 6 weeks


What are important information that I should consider after the jump -off?


  1. Do not touch

If possible, the place of piercing should not be touched with your hands. In order to clean the area, the hands must first be washed thoroughly to prevent bacteria from getting to the wound. Likewise, the jewelry should not be changed to complete healing, which varies according to the type of piercing.


  1. Cleaning the piercing

The piercing should be cleaned twice a day. It is important to use suitable care products for wound treatment. The spray of Octenisept A pain -free wound disinfection guarantees that protects the fresh piercing from infections and supports wound healing.


  1. Application

  • The spray can be sprayed onto a paddle hauler or directly onto the wound to carefully clean the piercing and the surrounding skin.
  • It is used twice a day to promote healing and prevent infections.


  1. Avoid irritation

In the first few weeks of healing, it is important that the piercing of clothing or hair does not get stuck because this can lead to irritation. The piercing should also not be played around, even if it is tempting, it should not be turned or moved unnecessarily. An exception is cleaning. The area can be touched with washed hands or a cotton swab.


  1. Shower instead of bathing

The first four to six weeks should be avoided to swim with the new piercing in pools, swimming pools and lakes because there are germs in the water that can lead to infections and thus inflammation of the piercing.



With the help of knowledge about the care of fresh piercing and the use of antiseptic spray, the correct aftercare is ease and the jewelry looks beautiful in the long term.


General information on wound care

The correct supply of a wound of all kind is essential for quick and uncomplicated healing. Afterwards, aftercare is not only decisive for new piercings, but also in other wounds such as cuts or grazes. It is important to keep the position of injury clean and prevent the penetration of dust and dirt. The wound is to be cleaned with an antiseptic spray and, depending on the type of injury, to be covered by a plaster or bandage to protect it from external influences and irritation. A comprehensive selection of Wound supply products Find on 

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