RSV – Die wichtigsten Fragen und Antworten
Health & care

RSV - the most important questions and answers

Number of RSV infections increases

In Great Britain, the RSV infections have increased in recent months. RSV stands for Respiratory Syncytial Virus, a virus -like pathogen that in most cases triggers flu -like symptoms. In 2020, Great Britain experienced another significant increase in RSV infections.
This is due to a combination of several factors. The first is the evolutionary adaptation of the virus to the new environmental conditions. The RSV infections have become more contagious. Furthermore, a reduction in public health measures to contain pandemic also contributed to an increase in infection figures in Great Britain. Another reason is the incompatibility of the vaccines, since the vaccines are not available for some newly occurring tribes of the virus.

What is RSV?

RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) is a common virus that causes respiratory infections. It is one of the most common causes of infections of the lower airways in babies and toddlers, but it can also occur in older people and adults. It mainly affects the upper respiratory tract, including the nasal cavity, including the nasal cavity, throat, the vocal cords and the bronchi. In severe cases, it can also lead to pneumonia.


How does the RSV virus express itself?

The most common symptoms of RSV are

  • Cough,
  • Sniffles,
  • Fever,
  • Sore throat,
  • Loss of appetite,
  • Fatigue and slight breathing difficulties. In severe cases, pneumonia and shortness of breath can also occur.


How do you get involved with the RS virus?

The RSV virus (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) is usually transmitted by droplet infection, which means that you can infect yourself through direct contact or over the inhalation of droplets that are emitted when coughing, sneezing or speaking infected people. You can also be infected if you come into contact with infected objects such as door handles or toys.


How do I know if my child has RSV?

If you suspect that your child has RSV, you should definitely go to your artz. Your artz can carry out an examination to confirm the diagnosis. Syemptomes that indicate RSV include fever, cough, runny nose, shortness of breath, clogged nose, persistent cough, blue lips or nails, problem with breathing and tiredness. When infection with an RS virus in children, as a parents, you should first go to a children's art. The doctor will make a diagnosis and then take appropriate measures to relieve the symptoms and prevent the virus from being spread. Above all, this includes taking antiviral drugs, monitoring the symptoms and the isolation of the child to prevent the infection of others. 

Early detection of an infection by RSV Schnell test

Using an RSV rapid test, the virus can also be determined without visiting a doctor. In the Altruan online shop we offer a 4 in 1 combination test for the detection of RSV. The sample is taken over the mouth or throat. In addition to the RSV virus, the Corona virus and influenza A and influenza b can also be demonstrated. After a positive result, you should immediately consult a doctor and distance yourself from other people. If the tests fail negatively, you should also consult a doctor in the event of severe pain, since the result can be falsified if the application is felled. You can find instructions for correct use in the data sheets.


Disease course

The course of an RSV infection can vary depending on the age and state of health of the person concerned. As a rule, the disease in healthy adults and children is easy, similar to a cold, with symptoms such as cough, runny nose, light fever and sometimes slight breath of breath. In babies, older people and people with pre-existing breathing problems, RSV infection can be serious and lead to serious respiratory diseases such as bronchiolitis or pneumonia. In severe cases, an RSV outbreak can lead to serious complications or even deaths.


When will RSV become dangerous?

RSV can be dangerous for people with a weak immune system, infants, toddlers, older people and people with certain previous illnesses such as asthma. It can lead to severe respiratory diseases, sometimes even to death. It is therefore important that this group of people is particularly protected from RSV.

RSV is usually not dangerous for adults. In rare cases, however, severe symptoms or complications can occur.


How is RSV treated?

There is no specific treatment for the RSV virus. The best way to protect yourself from the RSV virus is to keep your surroundings clean and comply with the hygiene measures. In severe cases, treatment with antiviral drugs may be required. Infants and toddlers can receive an RSV immunoglobulin that supports the immune system in combating the virus. In severe cases, a pneumonia drug can be prescribed to relieve the symptoms. In severe cases, oxygen therapy may be necessary.


How often can you get RSV?

It is possible to develop more than once at an RSV infection. Since RSV is a common virus that is slightly spread, you can get it several times in the course of your life.


Long -term consequences of RSV

Long -term consequences can cause breathing problems, growth delays, neuro -developmental disorders, behavioral problems or even premature birth. Some of these long -term consequences only occur in infants, but others, such as chronic respiratory diseases, can remain in the adulthood.


How do I protect myself from an RSV infection?

Since there is no vaccination against the RSV virus, it is important that people adhere to the basic rules of hygiene to avoid infection. It is also important that babies and toddlers who are more susceptible to RSV infections are particularly well protected by regularly washing your hands and trying to minimize contact with other people who have RSV symptoms. It is also important that parents who have a baby or toddler with RSV bring their child to a doctor at the first signs of an RSV infection.


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