Worth knowing

Starke Frauen, schwaches Herz? Die unerzählte Wahrheit über Frauen und Herzinfarkte

Stellen Sie sich vor, Sie leben Ihr Leben, jonglierrn zwischen Job, Familie, Freunden und all den Erwartungen, die an Sie gestellt werden. Sie funktionieren – immer, jeden Tag....

Sep 26 2024
Post by Ramona Horndasch

kleine Herzen, große Sorgen- Wie Herzerkrankungen bei Kindern die Familie verändern

Wie häufig sind eigentlich Herzerkrankungen bei Kindern? Stell dir vor, das Herz deines Kindes – so klein, so zart – kämpft jeden Tag um jeden Schlag....

Sep 24 2024
Post by Ramona Horndasch

Zwischen Vertrauen und Risiko- Wie sicher ist unsere medizinische Versorgung?

Patientensicherheit ist ein Thema, das uns alle betrifft – sei es als Patient, Angehöriger oder medizinisches Fachpersonal. Obwohl wir darauf vertrauen, in den Händen von Ärzten...

Sep 23 2024
Post by Ramona Horndasch

When the brain collapses: stroke and the fight against time

A stroke suddenly comes, unexpectedly and merciless. Imagine your life changes in a single moment without warning. Do you rely on the luck that "only the...

Sep 19 2024
Post by Ramona Horndasch

The Oktoberfest flu: What is behind it and how do I protect myself?

On September 21, the annual Oktoberfest in Munich, which invites millions of people, starts celebrating together in the beer tent and experiencing Bavarian culture. But there...

Sep 18 2024
Post by Sophie Tham

First aid saves life - join in!

  Imagine you are the first at an accident site. There is chaos, people call for help and every second counts. At that moment you can be...

Sep 13 2024
Post by Ramona Horndasch

Coronawelle 2024: Everything important about the current development

On March 30, 2020, the World Health Organization WHO called out a national health emergency. The disease is done by a virus called Sars-Cov-2 caused. On...

Sep 11 2024
Post by Sophie Tham

You are not alone: ​​strategies and offers for suicide prevention

  Every year, millions of people lose their lives through suicide worldwide - a topic that is often affected with shame and stigma. In 2022, a...

Sep 10 2024
Post by Ramona Horndasch

Inspired by altruism: Altruan's contribution to charity in the field of hygiene & care

The International day of charity Will be on every year September 5th committed. This day was (un) established by the United Nations in order to raise...

Sep 06 2024
Post by Ramona Horndasch

Understand and cope with the headache: a comprehensive guide to the headache day

On September 5, 2024, we commit the headache day to raise awareness of the many types of headaches and to illuminate their effects on the life...

Sep 05 2024
Post by Ramona Horndasch

Back pain in the office: causes and tips

Back pain is a widespread problem in the modern world of work. More and more people spend most of their day sitting at the desk, often...

Aug 28 2024
Post by Isabel Löschner

Affenpox and their global distribution: what you need to know now

  A new infectious disease ensures concern worldwide: the monkey quits, once limited to some regions in Africa, have spread across continents within a very short...

Aug 26 2024
Post by Ramona Horndasch